Antoinne Capelle
Country: France in Britany
Bow Class: Recurve / Olympic
Your greatest achievements in archery: in 2019 I win the France
national tournament (70meters). 55eme in the international indoor nines
archery 2021. 4 consecutive selection for France national tournament,
What do you like about archery: I like practice, this is a
wonderful sport including technical part, minding part and equipment
part. It’s the better sport to empty my brain and canalise my spirit.
What DK products do you use? I use Gungnir arrows for outdoor
field season. I hope I will test some of other products you made.
What do you like about it/why did you decide to use DK? What you
like most? I really like the quality, the regularity and the precision
of these arrows. They are really lightweight, it is really interesting
for field archery. I'm very happy to use and represent a brand like DK,
which is a small company offering quality products.
How long do you shoot? I shoot since 2000 so 24 years.
Fun Fact about you:
2) I learned German langage during 8 years but I forgot everything, last time I meet a German people I said : hallo euuuuuuu do you speak English ? 😅